
Ramon Gallart

dimecres, 12 de maig del 2021

Personalised ICT-tools for the Active Engagement of Consumers Towards Sustainable Energy

Eco-bot project aims to utilize recent advances in chatbot tools and advanced signal processing (i.e. energy disaggregation) using low-resolution smart meter-type data with the goal of changing their behaviour towards energy efficiency. Eco-Bot targets to a personalized virtual energy assistant to deliver information on itemized (appliance-level) energy usage through a chat-bot tool. The "chat-bot" functionality will use an attractive frontend interface, permitting seamless communication in a more natural and interactive way than a traditional mobile application. This way, eco-bot aims to achieve a higher level of engagement with consumers than previous efforts (i.e. serious games, gamification, competitions or other interactive ICT), by adding a more engaging form of interaction with existing platforms that has been proven in different market settings.

A creation of an energy efficiency model is crucial for minimizing energy consumption through user engagement. This can be allowed by the design of targeted and highly personalized measures aimed to engage users towards a sustainable energy consumption. For this purpose, a new multi-component taxonomy of energy recipients for eco-bot’s behavioural model was created based on the results of the empirical research.


Font: IEEE Smart Grids.